
Why it takes courage to come to Portland Reflexology for the first time

May 23, 2023

You know it’s often nerve-wracking to try something new. Like coming to Portland Reflexology for the first time. You may get confused driving in my SW neighborhood. Or not fully understand what you’ve signed up for. You may be concerned about what questions I’m going to ask during the intake or how my hands will feel on your feet, hands, and ears. Or be apprehensive about meeting my small dog, Dakota, whether you’ve had dogs all your life or not. And then on your way over, you may realize you forgot your checkbook and have no time to get to the ATM. And then there is the mask business, do you need one, will I have one for you? Questions, any questions, create anxiety in a body that is coming to de-stress and relax, or seek relief from pain.


All I can tell you is, be brave. Just make an appointment and come. Because for 15 years, people have been coming, and they keep coming back.


What happens in the first hour of reflexology is different for each person, so I can’t tell you exactly what to expect. However, all sessions include ear, foot, and hand reflexology, and the routine may change depending on our conversation. What I know is when we work together, reflexology’s deep relaxation causes a change: Shoulders drop, voices quiet, and faces soften. People often say they didn’t realize how wound up they were.


After their first session, new clients often ask, “How often should I come?” That’s an important question, and the answer depends on what you’re hoping for. However, you’ll discover one session builds on another, and after three or four sessions your body will tell you if you’re getting what you came for. And remember, one session of anything is just the beginning of a new way to take care of yourself.


Do you have pain? Let’s talk about it. Ear reflexology is a great place to start your session if you have pain in your neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, and sciatica. Last week a woman came with pain in her shoulder. By working on the shoulder reflexology points on her ears, feet, and hands, she told me she felt better and her pain seemed to subside.


If you’ve benefited from my reflexology, please share this newsletter with a friend.
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This website is not intended to be considered medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or an emergency service immediately.

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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