
Why heat often works better than ice. Where’s your heating pad?

July 13, 2023

These days I often ask you at the beginning of our session where you ache. Because I want to make sure I reflex those area on your feet, hands and ears. Lately, I’ve been asking those with pain, where’s your heating pad?

Why? Because when I was in massage school (10 years ago now), we learned that heat works better than ice in soothing the nerves and relaxing aching muscles, tendons, and the whole body. That’s why when you come, I offer you a massage table with a heated pad under the fitted sheet. We can always turn it off, but most people tell me, “No, no. I love it.”


Just recently I read Dr. Andrew Wojciechowski, N.D. article in the Correct Toes®'s June newsletter: Why you shouldn’t ice an injury: The RICE method Myth. It tells about the new research regarding RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, a 1978 popular treatment plan for injuries. You might know Dr. Andrew, a Naturopath who works with Dr. Ray McClanahan, Podiatrist, at Northwest Foot & Ankle. This is where I always refer clients to help with foot issues beyond my scope of practice.


Straight from Dr. Andrew’s review:
"Starting within 24-48 hours after most injuries, heat alone or intermittent cold alternating with heat applications (5-10 minutes at a time) can be used to help reduce the potential for stagnation and congestion while encouraging adequate healthy blood flow. Good circulation is crucial for healing, especially in less vascularized areas like ligaments, tendons, joints, and fascia. Heat can also temporarily relieve pain for some individuals.”

Here’s the article for you.


By the way, the best place for your heating pad is behind your favorite chair or beside your sofa so you can easily find it and use it while reading or watching TV to soothe your aching body.


This newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not in any way medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
Always call 911 for medical emergencies.


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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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