
What's in your heart to do?

March 14, 2024
You know… the place you want to go, the poem you want to write, the dear friend you want to visit, the dessert you want to cook?
This is not the time to let those dreams go. They are what give you life, regardless of your diagnosis, grief, pain, or other troubles.
A client told me a few months ago about her incurable diagnosis that came out of the blue. Reflexology is now soothing her nerves and relaxing her body, but it is not a cure.
Recently I asked her, “What is one thing you’ve put off doing that you can do for yourself now?” And immediately she said, “Visit my friend in Seattle who is so ill she can’t come see me.”  It meant getting on the 6 A.M. train to Seattle, taking a taxi to her friend’s house, spending the day with her, and then coming back to Portland late that evening.
And guess what? Somehow saying it out loud, my client made it happen. When I saw her two weeks later, she told me she felt empowered and strong… even with her incurable disease. 
And so, I asked her what was next on her list of important things to do?
And this is what she emailed me:
"I did add something to my mind map… Just last night, this girl took herself to an English country dance. And I danced. For real. First time in almost 5 years. Many of my friends were there whom I had not seen in years. Not only did I dance several dances, I was asked to be part of the beginning demo for new dancers. I stayed about an hour and a half… and drove home through grateful tears. Only when I got home, however, did I realize how incredibly exhausted I was! But I’m good today. And I have my eye set on next month’s dance." 
That list she mentioned is called a Mind Map: A personal map on a large piece of paper where we collage places we want to go, people we want to see, events we want to attend, things we want to learn… whatever we know in our hearts we truly want to do, large or small, that make us feel alive.
Here’s what my clients in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s are
 doing: celebrating an 80th birthday in Hawaii, taking a first pickleball lesson at 78, adopting a kitten or puppy, sitting down to play their bass in a band, snowshoeing at Mount Hood, moving to Belgium, trying meditation or Jin Shin Jyutsu for the first time, going to Hamlet with strangers, doing art, and finally finishing a quilt.
"Portal" by Lauren Oujiri 
I say “Good for you!” If you have any questions about how to create a mind map or want to tell me what outrageous thing you’ve finally done, I’d love to hear from you. Or better yet, see you soon! Just call or text me at Portland Reflexology: 503-867-2778. It's time to do what your heart wants to do.
This newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not in any way medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Always call 911 for medical emergencies.

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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