
The joys of Hood River Lavender Essential Oil

September 3, 2010
This summer I drove to Lavender Valley, a Hood River lavender farm, and bought their pure grosso lavender essence for my reflexology foot soaks.  The fields were buzzing with bees and the smell of lavender was beyond fresh and satisfying.  Now I am using our very own Oregon Lavender on my Oregon clients.  I delight in every foot bath! 

As you may know, lavender is famous for its calming effect as well as its antiseptic properties.  I also put a few drops in the olive oil I use to soften feet before a session begins.  Oregon has many lavender farms.  And a lavender festival.  The actual season for celebration is short...just a 10 day period in July so I’ll be sure to let you know dates next year.

According to international reflexology teacher Chris Stormer, Teach Yourself Reflexology, page 230, ISBN 10-07-148486-8 the sensuous aspect of aromatherapy oils has a therapeutic effect on mind, body and soul.  Essential oisl rubbed into the feet at the end of the reflexology session enhance the effects of the reflexology treatment.
Recently I began buying Living Young essential oils which are harvested in Utah and around the world.  These therapeutic-grade oils are safe enough to ingest.
Here are oils you might want to experiment with for their healing effects:
Uplifting oils: clary stage, boost confidence, ease depression and eliminate moodiness.
Regulating oils: bergamot, frankincense, geranium, relieve anxiety and re-establish equilibrium.
Stimulating oils: lemon, peppermint, rosemary, black strengthen concentration, clear the mind and improve memory.
Invigorating oils: cardamom, juniper, rosemary, fill the whole being with enthusiasm and interest.
Soothing oils: camomile, lavender, marjoram and orange increase levels of tolerance, improve sleep patterns and calm the mind.
Aphrodisiac oils: clary sage, patchouli, and ylang strength relationships and boost self-esteem.
There are many other incredible aromatherapy oils and information from a vast range of specialized books.  To learn more about Young Living Essential oils, contact me, Nancie Hines, 503-867-2778 or go to the Young Living web site:

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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