
Thank you from the Bottom of my Heart

January 1, 2018

Ten years ago I started Portland Reflexology on January 1 at my apartment in Multnomah Village.It was me and the cat. No website, no cards, no clients. It was one of those great leaps of faith that we all have to make when we do something as outrageous as start a business that begins in our hearts. 
There are many people to thank as I look back in my paper Daytimers.  My dear friend, Vonnie, who came that first month and has come every month since. Cherie Collins, owner of Stellaractive, who designed my website which still grows this business. LeTip, a networking group, that gave me confidence to talk about the benefits of reflexology in front of 25 strangers every Thursday morning at 7:30. Catherine Cox who designed my first card with two bare feet and believed in me when I wasn’t so sure.
But mostly I want to thank you, dear clients. Some of you came once and some of you never stopped coming. This newsletter goes out to over 500 clients now and that’s amazing because when we started in 2008, reflexology wasn’t well known or understood in Oregon. But I truly believed in the benefits of reflexology and saw how it benefited you. Especially when the sessions were over and you walked out with pink in your cheeks and your shoulders relaxed. And you said you felt better.

Maybe it wasn’t always easy, making this work week in and week out. But like Elizabeth Warren, “Nevertheless, she persisted,” and together we succeeded. And now we have the Oregon Reflexology Network and well-trained reflexologists all over the state. But that’s another story.
For today, I just want to say thank you for coming and being part of Portland Reflexology. It’s such a privilege and miracle to be in touch with you.

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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