
Should you come for Reflexology

March 14, 2020

Should you come for reflexology?
The most important benefits of reflexology are stress reduction, improved circulation, and detoxification. You feel it when you come so you know what I’m talking about. This has to be one of the most stressful times we’ve ever experienced. So as long as I can, I’m offering reflexology to you.

Here’s what I’m doing to keep you safe. Then you decide.

When I send out your reminder a day before your appointment, I’ll ask you questions about your last few days: 

  • Have you had a cold?
  • Have you been coughing?
  • Have you had a fever? 
  • Have you been with anyone who is “feeling under the weather or starting a cold with a stuffy nose, headache or a cough? 


Answer these questions and you’ll know if you should come. If you don’t feel well hours before an appointment, call or text me and cancel. I want you safe and cozy at home if you feel sick. We’ll reschedule when you’re well.

When you arrive, I’ll ask you to please wash your hands. I’ll do the same. Now I am also washing my face. I didn’t realize how often I touched my face! You can leave your shoes on until we are settled in the session room. Then I’ll soak your feet in soapy water like I always do. You’ll see that all the linens in this room have been changed to white so they can be bleached. Between appointments, I’ll change the linens, vacuum floors and wipe off the door handles and light switches. Then I’ll sanitizing the bathroom with Lysol wipes or spray. Instead of a half hour between clients, I’m now scheduling an hour to make sure everything is sanitized mindfully before you arrive.

I care about you. I’ll do everything I can to keep my home and session room safe. We’re all in this together…in Portland, in Oregon, the Northwest, America, and the world. I’m also here to just visit on the phone if you feel stuck at home and want to chat.

Thank you to Bonny Melby, RN. M.S who conferred with me to create these new procedures. And, of course, continue to listen to the Oregon Health Authority. Please stay healthy.

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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