
Ready to Retire?

October 20, 2023

This month I turn 78. I never want to retire. Because I found the perfect job for me and I love getting up every day and offering you reflexology. As long as you’re willing to come, I’m willing to be here.


But retirement is a question for many of us. Probably the biggest question is, Am I Ready? This month a dear friend, Yasmin Nguyen, a remarkable speaker and author, came to town to share his insights on “Finding Your Joy.” During our conversation, I learned that Yasmin and his friend Kathleen Mundy are working on a fascinating endeavor, The Joyful Retirement Project. They created an enlightening Retirement Well-being Assessment tool to help individuals discover where they are on their retirement journey.

Yasmin and Kathleen have learned that many people prepare financially but few are actually ready for the unexpected emotional, psychological, and relationship challenges of retirement. Everyone's journey is different, and they believe the key to living a joyful retirement filled with well-being, purpose, and connection is to have a clear path and meaningful support along the way.

So, I took their online 5-minute 30-question survey and within minutes I received a 38-page personalized report. What an eye-opening. I had no idea how unprepared I was for retirement success.

Now I want to share this opportunity with you. Yasmin has graciously allowed me to offer you this complimentary tool to help you gauge your readiness for retirement. It covers important areas such as emotional well-being, family dynamics, purpose and identity, leisure and hobbies, personal growth and learning, contribution and impact, time management and structure, and social connection.
If you're curious about your own readiness for retirement or simply interested in gaining valuable insights about retirement, I encourage you to take the survey by visiting the following link:
To address any concerns about privacy, please rest assured that your email and the results of your assessment are confidential and not shared or sold to anyone. They are used to send your assessment results and invite you to opportunities to improve your scores.

Thanks for reading my newsletter. If you have comments about your retirement or took this survey or want to come for reflexology, I'd love to hear from you.




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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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