August 17, 2020 |
Portland Reflexology successfully re-opens
Hooray! We’ve done it together. We’ve opened Portland Reflexology successfully. I couldn’t have done this without you… your appointments, your trust, and your kind words. You have told me you didn’t realize how much you’ve missed your sessions. You've said this is just what you’ve needed. And you’ve made another appointment.
Thank you.
Those 12 weeks not working gave me a real opportunity to think about how I want to live these next 10 years. And I realize there is nothing more important to me than greeting you at my front door and providing touch and care for your feet, hands and whole body. Many new people are coming for help with their hurting feet and I continue to talk about shoes and fit and Correct Toes; Northwest Foot and Ankle and podiatrist Dr. Ray McClanahan is still my go-to when you need shoes and more help than I can provide.
But mostly, you’re coming to talk about how stressed life is and get some relief from all that head chatter. I can see you do because after your session your shoulders have dropped and there’s healthy color in your checks. So, I’m listening and providing touch and giving you what you want and need. By the way, if you wear shorts, as a licensed massage therapist, I’m offering lower leg massage this summer which seems to give you more relaxation.
I want to reassure you in the last two months I’ve taken over 82 temperatures as clients arrive, and not one client has been in close contact with anyone with Covid-19 symptoms or anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 in the preceding 14 days. If you have, you’re invited to reschedule your appointment at no charge before even coming to my home.
If you’re not getting out and instead would like reflexology at your place, I’ll come to you. I’ve done backyard reflexology in SE and SW and Have Chair, Will Travel. (See photo of me and Dakota above.) I bring everything needed so there’s no reason for me to come into your house. This coming week I’m even doing reflexology on my own patio for a client, so let me know if that is something you would like.
All that prep for getting ready to re-open, wearing masks, buying the air purifiers with HEPA filters, new fans, opening the windows and doors, wearing scrubs, using new sheets under and over you, cleaning and more cleaning every day gives me confidence that you’re safe and I’m safe here. Let me know how I can help you, and I will! Stay safe. Be strong. |