
Imagine the Impossible. Why that matters these days.

June 17, 2019

These are the days that try our souls. With much we can’t do anything about.  So why not do something seemingly impossible that you can do?  Something you always wanted to do, but were afraid to try? Imagine knitting a sweater; take a knitting class at Northwest Wools.  Date on-line.  Sign up for a 5K walk.  Say No when you always say Yes.  Stop teaching; start writing. Tap with Helen McConnell.  Read fiction if you’re a non-fiction reader. Apply for art school. Change your shoe size to something that fits.  Give up wine for a week.  Sign-up for three months of reflexology; that relaxation is accumulative.  See how a new commitment invigorates you.  Because you are so much more than you think you are. 


This is how I know. This past January an artist I admire, Diane Culhane, encouraged me to apply for Art in the Pearl as an emerging artist.  That’s Portland Oregon’s annual Fine Arts & Crafts Festival in the NW Park Blocks, which occurs every year on Labor Day weekend.  I applied and began painting acrylic abstracts.  Acrylics was a new medium for me so I challenged myself to finish a painting every week just in case I got in.


On April 4, Art in the Pearl sent me an email that said the jury had chosen me as an emerging artist for 2019.  Over 700 had applied, 130 would have booths, 50 were from Oregon and two were emerging artists.  At first, I was stunned. Then I began painting in earnest.  And dear friends came forth to help:  Cherie Collins from Homespun Websites made me a website; Anna Magruder designed a business logo and card; my art teacher Jane Nash met with me every week to encourage and support this painting process;  Lorenzo Moog encouraged my art for more than 20 years and gave me titles that worked; Gwynne Warner-Donavon created a layout for the 10x10 tent, Chris Edwardsen wired all the canvases, Bonny Melby, my sister, loaned me her car for 6 weeks this summer; Dan Kvitka began photographing my work this spring. 


And YOU, dear client, you came for reflexology which is helping pay for this next venture!  Thank you for coming.  And please come again!

In this process I am learning more about myself and how to serve you better. What I know is it is so important to encourage and stand behind each other as we imagine the impossible and venture into unknown territories.  It doesn’t matter if we’ve in our 30’s or 70’s.  There is something waiting for us to do at every stage of life.  I feel so alive, connected and grateful these days.  You can depend on me to encourage you to be healthy, wear shoes that fit and come often for reflexology which may give you the energy to get up and do what you really want to do!


Please mark your calendar for Art in the Pearl, August 31, September 1 and 2 and come.  Now imagine the impossible.  And know I’m ready to imagine the impossible with you.

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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